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WHAT I CAN DO FOR YOUDave Orman2019-12-16T10:07:38+00:00
What I can do for you
- Give your web site a linguistic tuneup. That includes correcting grammatical errors and awkward sentence structure that do not reflect favorably on your efforts, and which might even cause prospective customers to look for a more professional provider.
- Draft letters and critical messages when it’s important to be precise and clear about your concerns, your intentions, and/or your expectations.
- Provide striking photographic memories — perhaps even a professional coffee-table book — of such events as birthday parties, golf tournaments, family reunions, and more.
- Consult and brainstorm on such projects as holiday cards, relocation advisories, and related business and personal announcements.
- Perform (within reason, right?) whatever other writing and photographic services you might require.